Saal der Könige im Museum der bayerischen Könige


to Hohenschwangau

On this website you will find information about your visit of the royal castles of Hohenschwangau and Neuschwanstein
as well as the Museum of the Bavarian Kings.

We look forward to seeing you in Hohenschwangau!

Current news from Hohenschwangau

Check daily to see if the shuttle bus and carriages are in operation and which viewpoints are accessible and open to visitors.

Transport to the castles (availability)

Bus to Neuschwanstein Castle (Mary's Bridge)

Horse-Drawn Carriages to Neuschwanstein Castle

Horse-Drawn Carriages to Hohenschwangau

Viewing Points (accessibility)

Mary's Bridge

The viewpoint "Jugend"

The "Pöllatschlucht" Hiking Trail


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